Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The U.S.S. Old America, Brace! Brace!

It appears that despite the efforts of the Republican and Democrat crew of the American Titanic, events beyond their control will determine her fate because its course cannot be altered. Predatory capitalists and socialists represented by the two entrenched parties feed from the same trough. Extremists from both sides rule the day because of the removal of opposition parties through fixed elections. Even with the monopoly the officers of the existing order can no longer collectively solve the nation’s problems as they sail into the ice fields. 

Silent Majority Americans in the lower decks find themselves justified in their disgust for the two-party system and in a fatalist judgment of our corroded institutions. We are bracing for impact.  We fully believe that moves against Social Security and Medicare will be an act of war against us. There is a gathering storm reminiscent of which class gets its feathers plucked in order to appease the deficit. That event led to the French Revolution.

History tells us that civilizations are like the blooming of flowers; they experience the uncertainty and elation of youth, they mature, and fade into the perils of old age and die.  America is no different.  We are just a heartbeat away from a disastrous war, an end to our civil liberties, an economic collapse, or crop failure that made irreconcilable class conflicts the stuff of the French Revolution and the Revolutions of 1848. In the meantime, our new epoch into which we are sailing promises to be a terrifying, but interesting one.  Our old constitutional republic, the U.S.S. Old America, is sailing into the night.

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