Monday, July 29, 2013

Rethinking One-Man One-Vote

The moral and industrious majority in America has always affirmed the belief in the concept of majority rule in elections whose precedent goes back to Greece and the voting record of the 35 tribes of Rome. When most of the population believes in the election process, all is well. It didn’t even take a leap of faith for most to have revered those who guarded and preserved that process when the U.S., settled by the English, was temporarily galvanized into a reasonable defined homogeneous nation by its melting pot.  Few challenged the concept or its rules.

The key to understanding the problem of one-man, one-vote now is who votes and who doesn’t.  After years of rigged elections the center collapsed and with it the Silent Majority.  Two extremes are left: predatory capitalism and socialism. The majority dropped out and the majority voting now is the minority.  It’s an interesting state of affairs and how it got that way is even more interesting because the trouble with the Silent Majority is they are silent – so silent to the point where the relentless toxic activities of the worst elements has made the latter dominant.  
The precedent for adding votes to contributing individuals is there.  When the crimes of individuals become egregious, they lose their right to vote.  Shouldn’t the constructive efforts of the best elements be rewarded? Is it too much to give those with military service an extra vote?  After all, they risk their lives defending the framework from which all the goodies for the worst elements flow.  That’s not to say most Americans do not contribute, but the numbers and activities of the worst elements are always disproportional to the numbers of constructive individuals.  A businessman should get an extra vote because he employs others in the same manner as a nobleman guides the affairs of his manor.  America is, after all, a collective endeavor of all those estates run by a president – the chief business agent for the country.
So what does it boil down too even if the election process is rigged?  At least the new system would acknowledge the contributions of the best elements.  It’s also not a reaction to the browning of America because the idea of rewarding those who build and preserve any country is a universal one. All colors comprise the best elements.  The inevitable results of one-man, one-vote is socialism or worse when incentive takes a back seat to political commissars intent on playing God and who will justify their abuses by a representation based on the dead weight of the masses.  When the new majority is proclaimed by the worst elements, it will be an artificial one.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Adventures in Scandinavia 1977

Five years later, after my first trip to Europe and making relatively modest money as a humble clerk, I decided to go to Northern Europe to see where my pre-English ancestors came from.  By the time I came home then, I was streetwise and knew what I was doing in just about any western country.  Now I had a little more money in hand, a really good Minolta 35mm camera, and the all-important 21-Day EurailPass to the trains of Europe.  Staying in youth hostels this time was not a consideration.

In September, 1977 I flew out of Chicago and had a stopover in New York's Kennedy airport where I saw an excellent example of East Coast Paralysis (ECP).  For example, our bus, bulging with people, ran into a traffic jam at the airport.  Our flights were to leave in just a short time and the people wouldn't just get off the bus to walk one block to keep them on schedule.  I told a couple of them that this was really crazy and that I was going to get off and walk.  They were absolutely astonished.  New Yorkers seem to have corned the herd mentality.
I flew SAS over Greenland, Iceland, and saw England in the wee hours of the morning after about eight hours.   That was the easy part.  I consider the East Coast people very lucky to have their flights free of connecting flights and airports that are in town.  (Thank goodness for Chicago).  This time I wasn’t going to be sandwiched between two fat bodies.  Those seats by the exit doors are prime destinations for tall people.  I don’t care what anybody says, the in-flight food was great and those steamed towels were wonderful.  When we landed in the Netherlands passengers were searched by officials in white gloves. My Boy Scout knife caused some discussion, but it was no big deal then.  Most of the male backpackers I knew carried knifes for protection.  When we landed in Denmark, I wasn't impressed by the Danish capital's airport, in fact, it was rather obscure looking. 

The SAS airport bus took me downtown past tidy conservative hotels with multinational flags fluttering all around them.  My plan of travel was mapped out in the form of a standard circular route from Copenhagen around to the southern Island of Fyn to the North Sea, over to Sweden, up to Oslo, over to Bergen, back to Värmland and Lake Vänern, east to Stockholm and south to Väaxö and back to Copenhagen.  The time allocated for each stop usually depended on the interest of a particular city and the distance already covered because I had only three weeks’ vacation this time.  I was glad to leave “The Man” for a while.

Monday, July 22, 2013

My Old Radio Shows Now on YouTube

The Reform Times radio shows on Homosexual Marriage from March 27, 2004 hosted by Dawn Bly, me, and guest, Judy Smith of Concerned Women for America – Kansas Chapter, have been uploaded to YouTube. They are the beginning of the best of my Reform Party-oriented talk radio shows that aired in 2004 and 2005.  Track one is the first segment followed by another video for the second half (track 2).

When I had my radio shows, The Reform Times and the Ray Cherry Show, it was a standard practice of KCXL to give me a music CD of the shows.  In retirement my two stacks were gathering dust and I thought it would be a shame to waste them because so many people were involved in producing shows that carried important messages and represented a time when many Americans still had faith in the political system, that is, enough to try to reform it.  Also, since my book, Journal of the Silent Majority, contains their record, I thought videos would be a good way to shamelessly advertise the advent of the book.

Track 1,

I watched several video tutorials and learned it is important to watch the most recent versions.  Windows Movie Maker now is different than the older version with the old timeline bar.  Some of the videos are funny to watch because they are done by the “hey Dude, this is me” generation who cannot speak or offer logical instruction.  Some of the cursor movements are so jerky that it reminds me of a cat following a laser beam.

Technically it was a challenge, but I followed some basic submission rules: the video must not be longer than 15 minutes and the file must be of a certain kind.  Glitches occurred because some of the library computers I used weren’t updated with the latest operating software.  You’ll notice a few of my posts on Blogger have punctuation errors because of that, especially the bullet points. Sometimes the corrections just won’t register.

Added to the technical problem was the fact that the CDs contain two or three tracks that I can’t edit or cherry pick from; the YouTube submissions start and end in less than 15 minutes - probably following the length of the photo submissions.  Maybe there’s a way.  I’ve standardized the beginning and ending credits so that more videos from the shows can be made with fill-in topics like Gun Control, Abortion, Taxes, Crime, etc.  In the end, the process was a little hard for me, but I think it worked.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Playing the Race Card 2013

 Al Sharpton, MSNBC regular, and his allies’ plan 100 race rallies beginning tomorrow July 20 after a race show-trial that exonerated George Zimmerman of the self-defense killing of Trayvon Martin.  It couldn’t come at a better time for the cottage industry of race and its hustlers and opportunists.  Facts on File Five-Year Indexes from the 1960s gives us a preview of possible events.

Phase 1, Intimidation: demands, charges, predictions, threats and call for black dignity and a “new approach”, demands for equal rights, NAACP warnings, calls for massive aid to blacks, charges of genocide, reparations, demands for black state among the more extreme

Phase 2, The Formation of Ideology and Pretext: civil disobedience, coining of euphemisms like “Persuasive Militancy”, resistance manifestoes, passive resistance, Gandhi strategies

Phase 3, Celebrity Support: Vice-President claims solidarity with “soul brothers”, Harry Belafonte, Jane Fonda, Stevie Wonder, Bruce Springsteen. HAPPENING NOW

Phase 4, Legal Backing: ACLU law suits, repeal of self-defense rights, Hate Crime implementation to nail Zimmerman at the federal level

Phase 5, Funding and Logistics: Ford Foundation. Probably anticipated and arranged months ago as a contingency with co-operation from the Justice Department.

Phase 6, Media Support: conditioning television shows (MSNBC), movies like Mandingo (Jamie Fox), and radio to defend the  attack, sympathetic books flood the stores: Malcolm X, Soledad Brothers, Roll Jordon Roll, Blackthink, Black Rage, Look Out, Whitey, Black Power, Angela Davis, Black English, the creation of terrorist heroes and martyrs like H. Rap Brown, and Stokely Carmichael,

 Phase 7, Leftist Clergy Phase: Clergy leaders get arrested, U.S. Bishops charge racism and demand change

Phase 8, Demonstrations and Marches Phase: Freedom Rides (selected provocation), picketing, boycotts, child marches, protest rallies, school demonstrations, Kneel-ins, sit-ins, sit-outs, sit-downs, jail-ins, wade-ins, Chicago demonstrations, Marches on Washington.  SIT-IN HAS BEGUN IN FLORIDA’S STATE CAPITOL. NATIONAL DEMONSTRATIONS START TOMOROW

Phase 9, Small and Large Scale Violence Phase, Fire bombing, sniping, looting, Sacramento gun battles, prison riots, Watts riots, Chicago riots, university riots, July riots in Detroit, July riots in Chicago’s West Side, New York State July disorders and riots: Rochester, Mt. Vernon, Newburg, Nyack, Syracuse, Buffalo, LA riots

Phase 10, Terrorist Hero and Martyr Phase, Black Panthers and police clash, Malcolm X figure, Black Muslims, Gangsters participate in riots, Anti-police patrols, Radicals urge total revolution, New militant groups  form.

Sharpton and his leftist allies need to cool their jets before things start spinning out of control during these hot months.  Americans have seen recent successful attacks against their institutions and legal protections: marriage, the First Amendment – IRS targeting of conservative groups, legalization of marijuana, the Second Amendment – the right to bear arms, the attack on the military by reversing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell by the spurt of the pen allowing homosexuals to serve openly, a successful attack on the Boy Scouts and now legal verdicts are under attack and even the right of self-defense.  Americans, armed to the teeth because of the gun control threat, can’t help noticing the pattern of abuse by America’s first black President, its first black Attorney General, and their leftist point men.

Monday, July 15, 2013

The City Counter

A big building, especially a commercial or government one, is like a ship complete with a captain, his first mate, and crew.  It’s the same in the U.S. and most countries that have enough will and financial resources to keep up what they’ve built.  (Planned obsolescence is another story.) The upkeep of the urban core falls not only to jack-of-all-trades individuals on tight budgets, but to professionally trained and well paid building maintenance and construction crews assigned by contract.  Before retirement I was part of one such crew as a Storekeeper I for 19 years at the State Office Building in Kansas City, Missouri.

Our department, Facilities Management, Office of Administration, was like that ship;  the captain was the Building Manager who in better times oversaw a full crew consisting of two office secretaries, a Security Chief, Housekeeper (supervisor), and Plant Maintenance Engineer (PME) who directed the maintenance staff. I worked directly under the Building Manager, thank goodness. My office was on the dock, a distinctly different world of storerooms, cement, city and over-the-road trucks delivering all kinds of cargo.  At the same time I worked in the Seabees (Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 0215) in Belton, Missouri as a reserve in a less glamorous cluster of warehouses.

Much of my duties included supply runs that took me all over greater Kansas City and even into Johnson County, Kansas on occasion.  I called the more frequent routes my “trap run.”  In many cases they were highlighted by visits to the “City Counter” which was a combination trade school and blue collar brain trust.  Aside from the counter's' free WD-40 pocket protectors and occasional Jolly Ranchers and the free hot dogs at Rensenhouse on Wednesdays, I miss the ordinary gruff and mostly dirty maintenance men fetching their parts and/or supplies and the seasoned old timers who knew what their visitors wanted sometimes before they asked. There was Jerry at Electronic’s Supply, Susan at Commenco (Motorola hand radios), retired Harold at Dorfman Plumbing, and Bernie and Kevin at U.S. Supply among others.

Such people are like senior staff NCOs who get the job done despite the interference of the officers. From this symbiotic relationship between visiting manufacturer’s representatives, counter men with memories like elephants and the sympathy of bartenders, and the practical hands-on experience of the worker bees, America’s infrastructure survives.  Despite the monetary benefits of on-line ordering with outfits like Grainger, there’s nothing like that special and overlooked relationship at City Counters that solves everyday problems and gets the job done.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Back to Frankfurt and Star Trek

I got back to Frankfurt completing my circular European route.  Believe it or not I only spent about $575 for five weeks including air fare, but at the time the exchange rates were certainly in America’s favor.  It was the last time tourists could legitimately be convinced of “Europe at Five Dollars a Day”, a popular incentive and hook for Hippies and millions of other adventurous Baby Boomers in those days.  (For our German friends) June, 1972 prices at the Frankfurt Airport:

·         Hot dog 3.5 DM
·         Sandwich 2.50 DM
·         Boiled egg 1.00 DM
·         Shrimp cocktail 9.50 DM
·         Tea 1.30 DM
·         Pork Chop 10.95 DM
·         Beer 2/2.50/3.00 DM
·         Room at hotel 22 DM
·         Bus trip to airport 2.20 DM

In Frankfurt I stayed at a hotel near the railroad station my last night because I was sick and tired of hostels.  As night approached I couldn’t help noticing the lack of middle aged or older men, but there were plenty of old women who wore only black.  I think my observation was real and that it came from Germany’s massive losses in the war.  (There were still shell holes in the façade of the train station.) Of course, Frankfurt is a G.I. town and there were plenty of “ladies of the night” prowling near my hotel.  One was yelling and screaming at an obvious non-paying customer.  I didn’t see that many prostitutes until my trip to Washington, D.C. in April, 1975.  There were also many darker southern European types in Frankfurt probably to augment the work force preparing for the Olympics.

By this, my last day in Europe, I didn’t go out, but stayed and watched Star Trek in the lobby of the hotel.  It was the second first time I realized that Europeans watch American TV.  The first time was watching it in Edinburg.  Commercials were run at the end of the show.  In fact I always played it safe and I don’t remember ever going out at night.  When traveling alone, your common sense kicks in.  You might recall the backpacker in Scotland who came back with a lighter wallet and darker eye, but it’s usually O.K. if you’re traveling with a friend or around the Japanese who I always found to be gentlemen.

The flight to the United States was in daylight so I saw Amsterdam, Iceland, Greenland, millions of icebergs and the snow blown regions of Hudson's Bay.  Americans are surprised at how green the Atlantic is and the view from thousands of feet in the air.  I’ve said foreign travel is like robbing destiny because people in my position in life aren’t supposed to do it or even think about it.  I know a few people who do it like the old timers who go on cruises or back to Europe on their swan song to recall their youth as G.I.s in WWII.  Some kids of my age were interested in going, but usually found some reason to back out.  I was young and physically able to do what it takes to be a backpacker – lots of walking and putting up with rude people and barracks-type rooms at youth hostels.   Despite the negatives, I did it again in 1977.

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Slippery Slope

The appropriation of minority status by the 1% homosexual population has their apologists scurrying to assure the 99% that their unprecedented social elevation is benign.  They argue for the right of homosexuals to marry and to claim the benefits that go with it - all based on extreme sexual behavior.  The tolerant Silent Majority, especially Christians, are afraid the success of their opponents will lead to a “slippery slope” of accelerated national moral depravity.  Their concerns are met with ridicule and an in-your-face “get used to it” contempt.  However, the Silent Majority knows something about slippery slopes.  Unlike the present naïve and clueless generation, we’ve seen it all before:

Stage One: A review of logical extremes that undermined public morality in the U.S.
·         Gambling: from Blue Laws and Las Vegas to state sponsored gambling
·         Drugs: from beer, cigarettes, liquor to marijuana legalization, cocaine, crack, heroin
·         Violence: neutralizing criminal deterrents like Capital Punishment, media fascination with criminals, mainstreaming tattoos, regular TV depictions of mutilation, decapitation, and murder, macabre CSI close ups
·         Race: civil rights acts to Affirmative Action, reparations, Hate Speech, Hate Crimes, mandatory Sensitivity Training, nationally televised “N” Word witch hunts, jury nullification and national race show trials

Stage Two: the normalization of the worst elements by the Media
·         Electronic normalization of homosexuality: cable television packages that allow no options
·         Pro-homosexual propaganda: articles, movies, profiles of the first homosexuals to do something or attain political power, characterization of homosexuals as victims
·        Mainstreaming Transvestites and Hermaphrodites: Transvestite beauty and talent contests, Transvestites as judges of children’s beauty contests
·         Profiling media homosexuals and comedians as role models of success
Stage Three: the institutional attack under a politically receptive climate
·         Boy Scouts, corporate sponsor threats break barriers for homosexual inclusion
·         Catholic Church infiltration by homosexual priests, minimum or no coverage by Media
·         Marriage, defeat of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) by divided Supreme Court
·         Military, the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell by presidential directive
·         The intensified attack on Christianity, Media enabled and supported

Stage Four: What’s next on the slippery slope based on sexual preference and behavior?
·         polygamy
·         incest
·         bestiality
·         main streaming pedophilia, lowering the age of consent
·         nationalization of homosexual marriage under the equal protection clause
·         Homoland chain stores in shopping malls
·         Mandatory Pro-Homosexual Sensitivity Training by government and corporations
·         Reparations demands
·         The persecution of Christians to eliminate the source of opposition

The Silent Majority has learned by observation that movements to logical extremes (slippery slopes) are the norm.  Homosexual marriage is not about marriage and the right to benefits, but the attainment of power by the 1% in a politically receptive climate.  It’s about domination by the worst elements despite the moderation and toleration of the 99%.