Friday, April 4, 2014

The Quacking of the Lame Duck

Leftists haven’t had this much fun since the days of Jimmy Carter.   Socialized Medicine was pushed by him in 1978 and continued with Bill Clinton until it achieved legalization recently.  Carter supported pot legalization and decriminalization in March, 1977.   It seems inevitable now.  Carter rewarded leftist figureheads like Vietnam Moratorium Sam Brown to VISTA (a federal anti-poverty program) and nominated Ted Sorenson (arch enemy of the CIA) to direct the CIA.  President Carter pardoned Vietnam draft dodgers.  President Obama recently attempted to reward the NAACP attorney who defended a cop killer the directorship of the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department.

Isn’t anything new?  Recently the Army bestowed the Congressional Medal of Honor on a rainbow of minorities who were supposed to have been discrimination against.  In June, 1977, civilian feminist Dr. Mary Edwards Walker was awarded the Medal of Honor for her role as a contract surgeon during the Civil War because of sex discrimination.  President Obama “executive orders” the minimum wage to be increased to more than $10.00 per hour.  In 1977 Carter supported an increase to $2.65 an hour and proposed to Blacks a Full Employment Bill.  The President pussyfoots on the topic of immigration.  Today illegal aliens have to be called “Undocumented Immigrants” and you can’t build a physical or legal wall against them.  As a human rights gesture President Carter approved the Mariel Boat Lift which emptied Cuba’s prisons and mental health facilities and allowed Castro to get rid of his worst elements.   Democrats heartily approve of such demographic tidal waves affecting the ballot. 

President Obama repealed Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and supports homosexual marriage euphemistically called “marriage equality.”  It’s logical to assume that he will upgrade homosexual military discharges like Carter did with unfavorable Vietnam War discharges.  Also, it’s not a leap of the imagination to anticipate that Obama might appoint the first Marine Corps homosexual general.

It’s not as bad as it could be – not yet.  (Forget the little stuff like the issuing of Susan B. Anthony coins or a Malcolm X stamp.)  Is President Obama a black Jimmy Carter?  In a future Fireside Chat President Obama could issue more executive orders and initiatives regarding the Equal Rights Amendment issue or the freeing all Blacks in a nation-wide pardon from all jails and prisons as political prisoners.  Could he propose a national holiday in honor of YIPPIE Abbie Hoffman?   Could Obama invite unrestricted immigration for all Central American Hispanic criminals?  Could he attempt to pack the courts like FDR and Jimmy Carter did with more leftist federal judgeships? Many measures that seem off the wall to us like those taken by this lame duck President are just repackaged Socialism with a new wish list gone wild.