Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Gospel of Affirmative Action

America’s Progressives have nothing to worry about.  The race baiters like Al Sharpton can stop their anguished cries of alarm.  The Supreme Court’s recent decision to uphold Michigan’s ban on using Affirmative Action in college admissions is only a token gift to the Right.  In the bigger picture it means nothing and its chief victims, white men, having watched this drama unfold for decades, know it.  Joe Smuck cannot understand what all the fuss is about because he knows Affirmative Action is here to stay.  To him it’s always been the forced elevation of minorities and institutionalized reverse discrimination.  Millions of white proletarian men see it every day in the want ads: EO/AA employer – meaning no white men need apply. 

Opposition to Affirmative Action is divided at the most critical juncture – on the right.  There are millions of businesses that robustly sustain or are forced to preserve Affirmative Action outside of the college or university system and what’s more, they are either indifferent or don’t care because AA doesn’t affect them.  It only affects the livelihood of employees.  Only when Affirmative Action affected medical school admissions (Bakke Case) on the professions' peripheral of ownership was a ripple of opposition noted.  Business ownership is the livelihood of the Bourgeoisie and perhaps if there was a national moratorium on the issuing of business licenses until Blacks achieve a certain quota percentage, then AA would end in a heartbeat.

Until that happens Affirmative Action is as fashionable to that class of people as tummy tucks, face lifts, and Botox injections are.  It’s their way of assuaging their perceived white guilt and being PC with their peers.  Affirmative Action has become more than a cottage industry.  It’s a national institution from the top to the bottom of Joe Smuck’s everyday life.  Look at the makeup of the Supreme Court, the rush to elect America’s first woman President, and the celebrated efforts to have more Blacks and women in Congress.  It’s what the feminization of the military is all about.  It’s about how the Media staffs itself and wants to be perceived and the means by which another social gospel and religion of the Left, Diversity, is most flagrantly achieved. 

Like trains, the Left, backed by the Media, makes its social gospels run on schedule.  Americans know AA is mostly a black thing, but women have now piled on expanding its reach.  The Sexual Orientation crowd is lining up at the ticket booth. Soon, homosexuals will demand Affirmative Action (quotas) for their group.  Barring a Supreme Court decision that outlaws Affirmative Action in its entirety or the untimely end of the republic itself, this obscene relic of America’s race wars is here to stay.  Even so, Joe accepts his role of sacrificial lamb, but he is hard pressed to conceal his real and disturbing thoughts on the viability of the system that allowed Affirmative Action in the first place.