Friday, November 7, 2014

Obama's Gamble

Now that the election is over and President Obama has nothing to lose, he is reaffirming his intention to legalize millions of illegal aliens - among other things.  Republicans who view them as natural Democrats voters are in a panic.  They want him to accept the election results as a Republican mandate, co-operate, and “stop playing with matches.”  Republican leaders are threatening to cut off funding for the amnesty if he signs the Executive Order.  The situation appears to border on a constitutional crisis with the veiled threat being impeachment.  He also has to make his move now with his old retainers before the new Republicans are sworn in.

President Obama will likely call their bluff.  The House impeaches and the Senate convicts.  Impeachment didn’t faze Bill Clinton.  You’d need 2/3 vote in the Senate and the Media would never support the attack on the “Chosen One.”  There would be months of national wrangling jeopardizing Republican presidential chances in 2016 or so the theory goes.  And, Obama knows how to play the race card and it’s an ace.  He’s protected by the threat of race riots.

If Republicans are as mad as hell, so is the military.  There have been reports of senior officers being purged and various heads of the Armed Forces being replaced by Affirmative Action tokens like the Secret Service recently endured.  There have been accusations of the military being defunded below levels necessary to maintain effectiveness.  Pot heads are free to use marijuana recreationally destroying decades old measures to control narcotic use by soldiers.  Homosexuality in the ranks is now an accepted right.  Generals assume the worst when the Commander in Chief puts our troops in jeopardy in Africa with the Ebola plague.  It’s also shocking to all of us how he recently facilitated the mass migration of illegal Central Americans to the U.S. many of which are diseased and criminals.  I heard one general on TV warn of its implications.  A cosmic shift has occurred and there is little said in the Media about its effect on the military.  It’s mighty queer when the obvious is never talked about.  It’s not just the economy Stupid.

If President Obama amnesties millions of illegal aliens by Executive Order with the stroke of a pen, can he break the CIA into a thousand pieces like John Kennedy was about to do?  Remember Governor Ray Blanton of Tennessee in 1979 in his last minute pardon of criminals.  Could Obama free black criminals en mass?  Will Eric Holder be the next Supreme Court judge?  The third week in December could be more than just a constitutional crisis.