Monday, November 4, 2013

Sgt. Rock and a Hard Place

What will it take for Sgt. Rock to wake up?  From the Republicans he gets recession, depression, economic ruin, and endless war with its death and legions of cripples.  From Democrats he witnesses the relentless destruction of his Christian moral values by militant atheists and Socialists who become emboldened by Christian toleration.
It only took a day or so after the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” for homosexuals to begin flaunting their remarkable victory achieved by the spurt of a pen (Presidential Directive) from a socialist Commander in Chief.  Millions of Americans then saw Wheel of Fortune when the lesbian army captain ended her short biography with “. . . and my husband Carla.”  The wedding chapel at West Point must be working overtime.  The worst elements are on a roll:  advocating unisex attire for Marines; trying to take God out of military oaths (Air Force Academy’s oath “So help me God”); garnering spousal benefits, and capturing national headlines with stories like Brady Manning wanting to be a girl and an ex-Navy Seal’s quest to be a woman.  It’s also likely within a few years the feminization of the military will be complete with the inauguration of the first woman President.
Thousands of Marines realize the fox is now in the chicken house.  The anticipated deployment of Red Guard sensitivity trainers and commissar lawyers must be at its peak on the eve of the Marine Corps Ball, November 10th, in celebration of the Marine Corps’ birthday.  I expect Freedom-Rider-type enforcers to arrive at the high profile celebrations in Quantico and Washington, D.C. with direct Blackberry links to the President.  After the introduction of the oldest and youngest Marine, Sgt. Rock will have to endure the spectacle of homosexual married couples being patronized and feted?
By now Sgt. Rock should be questioning his place in the pecking order where he actually ends up protecting those with values he abhors.  The irony is even more astonishing when Russia condemns homosexual activity and America embraces it.  So what is Sgt. Rock fighting for?  What are his current thoughts regarding the desirability of a constitutional republic and what can he do in the short run?  The answer to the latter comes from the legacy passed down by the Left and Gandhi – passive resistance.  All across America in the next week wherever the Marine Corps balls are held, Sgt. Rock can boycott or walk out of them when the worst elements make their debut.  When he wins a few of these little skirmishes he might become conscious of his own strength and that’s something the worst elements fear.