Monday, June 29, 2015

Bastille Day 2015

Bastille Day, July 14th is just around the corner.   Few Americans know what it is although the French Revolution of 1789 is an important part of our history.  After all, if it wasn’t for France, we would have lost to the British.  It’s that simple: the port blockade.  In my book, Journal of the Silent Majority, I write how the French revolutionaries caused what is happening today with our rainbow reds knocking off one American institution after another without firing a shot.  If you knew your French history, you’d know there is a precedent for the destruction of the Catholic Church in France which had grown too politically close to the corrupt monarchy – one of the Estates.   It was high times for militant atheists just like today in America, but I’m not giving the plot away.  You’ll have to buy the book which you can do for the reasonable e-book price of around three dollars on Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

One clue I can give is my analysis of the development of one of the world’s most diabolical institutions – the Media.   It’s the source of intellectual ferment and a nursery and mother ship for our unhappy reds.  (I found agreement in Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler although it’s a hard book to understand.)  Today all power in America comes out of the end of a camera.   Sorry Mao.  The Press of yesteryear is the Media enslaver of today, yet the “Press” of today hides behind its old constitutional protections.  As a politician, if you don’t go along with its program, you’re out like Nixon.  You’re fired!  One false move as an average working stiff, media pressure will cause you to be fired.  The Media is the source of all political correctness and the official tabulator of presidential votes since 1964.  It’s no wonder millions of us don’t vote anymore.  The ones who take advertising money are the official designators of the victor.  Above all, don’t let anyone besides Republicans or Democrats into the Presidential Debates because they are a private corporate monopoly incidentally using the public airways.

The French Revolution is the story of class warfare of which Americans know little.  Maybe Proletariat and Bourgeoisie sound too Bolshevik, therefore an understanding of it all is bad even though the terms were popular in France in 1789 at the start of their revolution.  The concept of their being those exempt from the laws they impose upon others is incomprehensible to Americans.  So too recall a political club called Cordelier’s which housed the most murderous collection of media types like atheist Marat.  Over a hundred years later the father of fascism, Benito Mussolini, was a journalist and so was Karl Marx.  I suspect, incidentally, when the time comes, our revolutionaries could help “appease” our deficit when it reaches $24 trillion with seizing the assets of the Catholic Church.  The red agenda for us could also include an intensified attack on military officers with Stalinist-like trials and purges.  It all began when the atheists were let loose.  Yes, we could learn a lot from the French Revolution.