Thursday, May 29, 2014

Stop Immortalizing Mass Killers

Other countries are watching what we do after our mass murders and it’s always the same – nothing.  Our high profile killers capture the headlines as regularly as we receive our monthly utility bills.  What the world might not know is that our Media is not only fascinated by them and loves them, but it makes big bucks off them like pimps do with prostitutes.   Their mindset: if there’s a slow news day, let’s fill them with Lockup this or that, the intimate dreams of prison inmates, or the sexual perversions of Richard Speck or Charles Manson.  The main thing to remember is to feed the insatiable morbid appetites of the public like in the days of the Roman Coliseum.

The Left’s knee jerk solution to the killings nearly always centers on getting rid of guns and saying the guy should have had psychiatric help.  In this latest shooting one expert dismisses the assertion that the shooter was evil by the old saw that he had a disease.  That’s socialist code for “He’s not responsible for what he did.”  How many times in the last 50 years have I heard this? 

The Media should stop its fake indignation and do something besides talking about mass killings.  Not only do they have the conditioning power to do it, but they’ve adjusted the violence valve before.  In my book, Journal of the Silent Majority, I recalled how it was done.  Remember all the TV shows like Combat with Vic Morrow that conditioned us for intervening in Vietnam?  When Martin Luther King Jr. said Vietnam was draining off civil rights funds, the Media re-tweaked the valve and eliminated those WWII violent shows – even westerns and did for a long time.   It also began satirizing and poking fun at our soldiers, sailors, and Marines – every service: I Dream of Genie, McHale’s Navy, F Troop, Gomer Pyle USMC, and M.A.S.H, all populated by idiots and fools.  It was no accident that support for the Vietnam War was methodically undermined by the Media who counts on the public's short attention span.

Government doesn’t have to pull the Media’s FCC licenses on the grounds of national security even though our problem has become an international political and social embarrassment.  Since the public owns the airwaves, we should demand that the Media initiate at least a six month moratorium on the violence industry which includes Gangster Rap.  They’ve done before.  Cable, print, and radio should voluntarily cease immortalizing our miscreant psychopaths: no pictures of him, no voice mail, no national coverage or after-the-fact psychoanalysis, no reading of his manifestos, no movie rights (Son of Sam), no Bonnie and Clyde, and no O.J. sensational trials.  Most people think the Media’s role is to report the news and not create it by capitalizing on avoidable tragedies that produce endless copy cats.