Saturday, August 17, 2013

Synopsis: JSM Chapter 4-7

Synopsis: JSM Chapter 4-7

Chapter 4

What Vietnam Was All About:
The Communist Threat and the Undermining of U.S. Foreign Policy

 The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917: The Creation of a World-Wide Threat/The Guiding Force of the Communists: The Dirty Little Secret of Jewish Militant Atheists/Reaction to the Bolshevik Revolution and the Civil War: The White Army vs. the Red Army/Utopian Economic Schemes: Starving the Peasants & the National Economic Policy 1921-1933/The Soviet Militant Atheists Attempt to Destroy Religion/The Great Terror 1936-1938: Purges and Elimination of Political Enemies/The Italian Reaction to the Threat of Communism 1922: Fascism and Benito Mussolini, El Duce/The German Reaction to the Immediate Threat of Communism: The Red Front and the Communist Spartacus Revolution of 1919/The Nature of the German Media During the Weimar Republic:  A Simple Debunking of the Myth of a Jewish Controlled Media/The Defensive Nazi Party: The National Socialist German Worker’s Party, NSDAP/The Nazis Act: Eliminating the Worst Elements/The Nazi’s Act: Reversing the Economic Collapse/Blaming Everything on Germany: The Final Days of Those Who Tried to Stop the Communists/The Spanish Reaction to the Threat of Communism 1936: Fascism and General Francisco Franco/The Red Chinese and North Korean Threats: The Communist Chinese Revolution of 1949/Mass Murder: Purges, and the Elimination of 50,000,000 Enemies, 1949/Utopian Economic Schemes: Starving the Peasants in the Great Leap Forward 1960-1961/The United States’ Turn to Stop the International Threat of Communism: The Domestic Subversion of the Vietnam War Effort/The Conspiracy to Undermine the Vietnam War Begins, 1965: Pacem in Terris and the "Guns and Butter" Speech 1966/Compiling the Pentagon Papers and Putting Them on Hold 1968: The Left’s “Ace in the Hole”/The Jewish Militant Atheist’s First Attempt to Remove a President 1968: Allard Lowenstein and the New York Post vs. Lyndon Johnson/The U.S. Election of 1968: The U.S. Defeats the Viet Cong during the Tet Offensive/The Aftermath of the Merging of Civil Rights with the Peace Movement 1969: Subversion of the War Effort and Terrorism/Nixon is Re-Elected 1972: The American Involvement Ends in Vietnam and the Dominoes Start Falling/U.S. Bombing is Cut Off and Cambodia Falls 1975: Utopian Economic Schemes, Starving the Peasants, and Eliminating Enemies

 America’s beleaguered proletarian teenagers bought time for the world against the evil of Communism by killing 1.2 million North Vietnamese, wounding 6,000,000, and making casualties of 10% of the North Vietnamese population.  The stand against Communism hastened the Soviet Union’s collapse by exposing Communism's murderous ways and draining the Soviet Union of financial resources. 

Chapter 5
The Watergate Coup d’Etat:
The Media Topples the Vice President, the President, and Reverses an Election

The Battles of Watergate 1968-1973: The Opening Clashes/The Washington Post: A Leftist Incubator, Hub, and Sanctuary for Militant Atheists/The Washington Post’s Unquenchable Thirst for Power: Plotting Social Policy and the First Attempt to “Take Over the Government”/The Washington Post’s Kingmaking and Cultivation of the Left: Surrogates John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson/The Media Picks Up Opposition on Its Sonar: Richard Nixon Exposes Communist Alger Hiss/The Media Watches Richard Nixon Become Senator 1950: The Defeat of Helen “Gahagan” Douglas/The Washington Post’s First Attempt to Remove Richard Nixon from Office 1952: The “Secret Nixon Fund” and Getting His Little Dog Too/The Silent Majority’s Return to Power, 1968: The First Nixon Administration and the Left’s Counterattacks/Allard Lowenstein’s Second Attempt to Remove a President: The “Dump Nixon” Campaign, Beginning Sept. 25, 1969/News of Florida’s Vote Rigging Endangers the Washington Post: The Collier Brother’s Letter April 23, 1971 Warning Nixon/Playing the “Ace in the Hole” June 13, 1971: The Pentagon Papers Masks the Washington Post’s Vote Fraud in Florida/The Systematic Attacks on the Executive Continues: Eliminating Spiro T. Agnew First to Prevent His Succession to the Presidency/The Election of 1972 and the Second Nixon Administration: The Washington Post’s Frantic Search for a Scandal and Nixon Impeachment/A Pretext For Impeachment Presents Itself, June 13, 1972: The Burglary at the Watergate Building/Nixon Splits the Left 1972: A Harbor for Militant Jewish Atheists, Neoconservatism/The Washington Post’s Final Attempt to Remove Richard Nixon from Office: The Pretext of Watergate June 17, 1972/Deep Throat: The Anti-Nixon Spy Network

The pretext of Watergate heralded the beginning of a new era in the United States in which the Media consolidated and broadened its power in unconstitutional and illegal ways.  The implications of this power grab have been felt every year since the revolutionaries attacked, paralyzed, or destroyed those institutions and individuals that got in their way.  The political manifestations of belief and ideology have been grossly ignored in American history.  

Chapter 6
The Legacies of the Revolutionary 1960’s:
The Aftermath of the Attacks of the Worst Elements

 The American Culture of Drugs and Death: A Nation of Potheads/Homosexual Rights: The Rewards of Violent Direct Action/A Legacy of Disease:The World Wide Plague Called HIV/The Women's Liberation Movement: The Destruction of the Family, Abortion, ERA, and the Feminization of the Military/The Legacy of Abusing Private Joe Schmuckatelli: The Physical, Psychological, and Monetary Attack on the Ordinary Soldier/The Worst Elements Attack the Ultimate Crime Deterrent: The Death Penalty/The Legacy of Tolerating Economic Crimes Against the State: White Collar Crime, Monopoly, and Culling the Work Force/The Legacy of Persecuting the Christians: The Strange Beliefs of Our Ruling Class/The Legacy of Corrupted Courts: There are Those Who are More Equal than Others/The Left Rewrites the History of the United States: Replacing European-American History with Minority History

The strange beliefs and actions of our ruling class and their rebellious children corrode from the lowest to the highest levels.  They lead to crime, drug addiction, poverty induced by idleness, sloth, and disease.  Their contempt for the working class has led to the loss of millions of jobs overseas and Affirmative Action which doesn’t affect them.  Their illegal and unjustified wars have led to the loss of personal liberties and draconian measures like the Patriot Act.  Their wars get us ready for a federal police state, FEMA camps, torture, kidnapping, more foreign intervention, domestic spying, watch lists, assassination, and clear the way for future Pol Pots, Stalins, and Neros.

Chapter 7
Fighting the Worst Elements with Reagan:
The Silent Majority Gets Its Feet Wet

 The Reagan Reaction 1980: Running for Political Office/Kansas City’s Progressive Republican Club 1969-1983: The Last Child of Tom Pendergast/Running for State Representative: Battling the Oligarchs of Southeast Jackson County/Running for City Council, 1985: My Final Attempt and Defeat During the Reagan Era

Ronald Reagan presented the Silent Majority with a hope that we could build on.  Thousands who would never even consider it ran for political office because of him.  I was one of them.  Everything coalesced.  The WWII generation willingly gave politics their last try while we younger kids were strong, and healthy enough to attempt that brass ring of politics.  Most of us were gobbled up by the Republican oligarchs in the primaries, but at least we gave it all we had and that’s the mark of who we baby boomers were.