Friday, July 5, 2013

The Slippery Slope

The appropriation of minority status by the 1% homosexual population has their apologists scurrying to assure the 99% that their unprecedented social elevation is benign.  They argue for the right of homosexuals to marry and to claim the benefits that go with it - all based on extreme sexual behavior.  The tolerant Silent Majority, especially Christians, are afraid the success of their opponents will lead to a “slippery slope” of accelerated national moral depravity.  Their concerns are met with ridicule and an in-your-face “get used to it” contempt.  However, the Silent Majority knows something about slippery slopes.  Unlike the present naïve and clueless generation, we’ve seen it all before:

Stage One: A review of logical extremes that undermined public morality in the U.S.
·         Gambling: from Blue Laws and Las Vegas to state sponsored gambling
·         Drugs: from beer, cigarettes, liquor to marijuana legalization, cocaine, crack, heroin
·         Violence: neutralizing criminal deterrents like Capital Punishment, media fascination with criminals, mainstreaming tattoos, regular TV depictions of mutilation, decapitation, and murder, macabre CSI close ups
·         Race: civil rights acts to Affirmative Action, reparations, Hate Speech, Hate Crimes, mandatory Sensitivity Training, nationally televised “N” Word witch hunts, jury nullification and national race show trials

Stage Two: the normalization of the worst elements by the Media
·         Electronic normalization of homosexuality: cable television packages that allow no options
·         Pro-homosexual propaganda: articles, movies, profiles of the first homosexuals to do something or attain political power, characterization of homosexuals as victims
·        Mainstreaming Transvestites and Hermaphrodites: Transvestite beauty and talent contests, Transvestites as judges of children’s beauty contests
·         Profiling media homosexuals and comedians as role models of success
Stage Three: the institutional attack under a politically receptive climate
·         Boy Scouts, corporate sponsor threats break barriers for homosexual inclusion
·         Catholic Church infiltration by homosexual priests, minimum or no coverage by Media
·         Marriage, defeat of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) by divided Supreme Court
·         Military, the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell by presidential directive
·         The intensified attack on Christianity, Media enabled and supported

Stage Four: What’s next on the slippery slope based on sexual preference and behavior?
·         polygamy
·         incest
·         bestiality
·         main streaming pedophilia, lowering the age of consent
·         nationalization of homosexual marriage under the equal protection clause
·         Homoland chain stores in shopping malls
·         Mandatory Pro-Homosexual Sensitivity Training by government and corporations
·         Reparations demands
·         The persecution of Christians to eliminate the source of opposition

The Silent Majority has learned by observation that movements to logical extremes (slippery slopes) are the norm.  Homosexual marriage is not about marriage and the right to benefits, but the attainment of power by the 1% in a politically receptive climate.  It’s about domination by the worst elements despite the moderation and toleration of the 99%.