Wednesday, November 20, 2013

JFK: The Front Sniper's Nest

So far in all the 50th anniversary coverage of the assassination of John Kennedy I’ve found not one reference to the obvious location of the front sniper’s nest where common sense and a few discoveries of my own have convinced me of its existence.  My suspicions along with millions of other Americans had been firmly planted when a political context or motive of the shooting was never discussed by the Media.  Baby Boomers, after all, grew up on TV shows similar to Dragnet.  Even if you didn’t like history, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich was a best seller among us. In other words, Baby Boomers are the most educated generation in history.  The power brokers stood no chance in trying to fool all of the people all of the time.  It was the study of the assassination in minute detail in context over decades colliding with suppressed evidence that spurred conspiracy theorists on, not the convenient explanation of simple minded people concluding that a lone gunman could not have done something so earth shaking.

Being from the Ozarks and handling weapons had much to do with my evaluation of the assassination and that’s apart from the political considerations written about in my Journal of the Silent Majority to be published.  The Zapruder footage indicates a front shooter.  The genius of Oliver Stone’s JFK was that it dared to show the film in political context; history does not take place in a vacuum.  My disappointment came when he failed to locate the front gunman’s position, but my concern didn’t last long.  Then came Votescam: The Stealing of America by James and Kenneth Collier, a team of investigating reporters who researched how the Media co-opted America’s vote tabulation process.  With a lead from “assassination buff” Mae Brussell, they agreed that the Media supported the Warren’s Commission findings in return for the tabulation authority.  Indeed, Associated Press published The Warren Report and after many media transformations ended up with the tabulation monopoly.

When the Collier Brother’s investigated the roots of the securing of the national tabulation authority, they stumbled into the CIA-Media conspiracy that sanctioned it.  The least they could do was to locate the front sniper’s nest . . . and they did.  The last 30 minutes of their film sequel, Votescam: The Stealing of America, not only shows the likely spot of the nest based on bullet trajectory and witness accounts, but reveals the hidden drain cavity itself.  My sketch is based on the film.  The film made in 1988, further reinforced my own conclusion of conspiracy.  In all the JFK coverage so far I’ve not seen one mention of the Collier brothers or the storm drain nest.

Wait.  Is not that enough?  In a similar not-ever-mentioned book, That Day in Dallas, by Richard Trask, a photo records witnesses to the smell of gun smoke and of the sound of rifle shots rushing to the exact spot.  (Reporter Robert MacNeil is shown hanging on to the fence.)  My sketch shows the approximate layout of the underground escape passage superimposed on the grassy knoll.  So, for me to believe there was a front shooter, it was the Zapruder film.  For me to locate the JFK sniper’s nest, it involved two more critical pieces of evidence to prove its existence and it took many years to do it.