Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Baltimore Race Riots 2015

It’s April and here come the riots.  The hot months of July and August aren’t even here yet.  The circus is still in Baltimore just like it was in Ferguson, Missouri, LA in 1992, and countless other American cities where race rioters rule or ruled the day.  Again, they appropriated a cause, burned and looted, and attacked the police.  When there were no more sneakers, Colt 45 malt liquor, or check cashing outfits to rob, things died down.  The officials are happy now and love and peace abounds.  The Maryland National Guard will stick around for a few more days after arriving late and letting inner city businesses burn to the ground.  Black criminal gangs like the Bloods, Crips, and Black Guerilla Family have received beneficial publicity.  Network TV ratings received a much needed April resuscitation.  Politicians, especially black ones, got a chance to strut and fret their stuff on national and international television.  Black rioters where asked how they “feel”.  The revelers formed Conga lines and danced amid the flames.

I did not see one ordinary white person interviewed on how he feels.  “Fair and Balanced”, my foot.  We’ve seen this burning and looting mayhem for more than 50 years.  That’s the legacy of the 1960s when the Left successfully destroyed the “use of force” and occupied and began to control academia, politics, and the Media.  How does the white majority feel?  That’s the question the Media carefully avoids.  It also harbors a pivotal question relating to the shelf life of our constitutional republic.  How long do we have?  Are white youngsters catching on?

When laws aren’t enforced the jig is up.  It’s only the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain.  Baby Boom whites have known this for 50 years.  Millions of voters have dropped out and don’t vote anymore.  I don’t.  (Reform was sabotaged when polls revealed Perot would have enough electoral votes to win the Presidency.)  We tried.  All avenues lead to the same destination: Republicans and Democrats – co-joined twins happy in their briar patches as the status quo proves again and again that some are more equal than others.  What about the 14th Amendment?  Businesses have become the expedient sacrificial lambs during race riots.  They are “lynched” to avoid a showdown and confrontation with a culture of minority criminality and what to do about it.

What does the ordinary white person think when the black President, black Attorney General, a black mayor won’t use deadly force against the attempted murder of the police and civil unrest.  Malcolm X said everyone has the right of self-protection.  I’m surprised more militias haven’t sprung up.  If the political system doesn’t help and actually aids and abets criminals, what’s left?  Stand by for a run on gun shops and more. 

Our worst elements focus on the here and now: drugs, liquor, and a pair of shoes.  The Silent Majority sees things over time and race riots are just the tip of the ice berg. What’s next?  What’s the end game?  If the reporters were to ask me, I’d say this constitutional republic is disintegrating.  I could write a book about it.