This election year marked twenty years since Ross Perot and ordinary grass roots citizens inadvertently changed American history. In 1992 the Media in cooperation with Democrats sought a way to split the Republican vote and allow Democrats to break the twelve year hold on the Presidency. Ross Perot was granted unprecedented publicity and airtime to sound the alarm on a $4-trillion deficit, unemployment, government corruption, war, crime, health care costs, recession, and Congressional stalemate.
There was nothing conventional about Election Year 1992 or Ross Perot. Faxes, electronic bulletin boards, cell phones, electronic town halls, 1-800 telephone numbers, infomercials, the Internet, e-mail, web sites, cable TV, and satellite television combined to form the mechanism that eclipsed the power of the Media and its collaborators – the Republicans and Democrats. Ross Perot and the Reform Party were revolutionaries in America’s first “Arab Spring.” The Perot uprising portended the beginning of the end for Democrats, Republicans, and the status quo two party system. With technology enabling direct democracy it even envisioned an end to representative government, an event predicted in the book Megatrends. Is it any wonder why Election 2012 was so boring?
Anticipating an American Spring Part II is not difficult because there are inevitable catastrophes that precipitate change: deficit, banking collapse, unemployment, recession, war, loss of the industrial base - the giant sucking sound, drought, and the poor treatment of the chickens that get plucked on a daily basis. America is not exempt from a perfect storm.
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