Monday, November 19, 2012

JFK Assassination Disinformation

The Military Channel’s JFK: Inside the Target Car reveals a curious wave of Warren Commission apologists on national television. It claims JFK was indeed shot from behind as the Warren Commission said and “history will be remade.”  However, author Jim Garrison claimed that on November 17, 1963 a telexed warning was issued to all FBI offices, but ignored: “. . . MAY ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE PRESIDENT KENNEDY ON HIS PROPOSED TRIP TO DALLAS TEXAS . . . .”  Someone had apparently let the conspiracy cat out of the bag.  Ms. Lincoln, Kennedy’s personal secretary, said on the Larry King Show in the early 1980s that her husband heard men talking in a restaurant about plans to assassinate the President. She told the President and he replied, “They’ll just have to get me in church.”   My particular interest stems from being a contemporary who recollects events.  I heard that warning on the radio about three days before the assassination when I lived in Kansas City.
The documentary cavalierly dismisses the gun shot echoes brought up by the 1978 House Assassinations Committee as too complex to determine if there was a fourth shot that indicated more than one location. The moderator then focuses on the impossibility of a front shot. A Commerce Street vista would offer no concealment and the limousine’swindshield would have blocked the shot.  The show’s resident expert sniper would have favored the north end overpass location because the storm drain conceals the sniper from the train switch tower, but the moderator cavalierly deflects consideration to the exposed grassy area in front of the north fence because present-day shrubbery is blocking the sight picture from the drain. Finally, the parking lot picket fence location near photographer Zapruder was rightly dismissed because it would have been a perpendicular shot fatal to Jackie.

The presence of a 3’X3’X5’ deep storm drain at the northwest end of the picket fence with an 18” getaway pipe was originally disclosed on film by the Colliers brothers in Votescam, the Movie in 1985.  In the book, That Day in Dallas, reporter Bob McNeil stands among a crowd over the drain where the front gunman was located.  I believe this; the bullet originated here, passed by the Stemmons Freeway sign on through the President, and terminated as a lateral nick in the curb.

The broadcast had too many loose ends even though bullet fragments were considered the “best evidence” by the Warren Commission.  Accounting for the number of bullets and where they came from is good.  DNA could also prove a conspiracy.Kennedy’s clip-on tie (FBI Exhibit 59) could reveal that there was a front shot.  If there was no matter on the ties inside, the round would have to have come from the front.  If JFK was shot from behind, there would be DNA or bone fragments carried from the bullet and imbedded into the white lining of the tie. Omissions of graphic evidence of the autopsy, while respecting “the memory of beloved President,” are outdated relics and indicate a cover-up.  The head snap movie frames, back and to the left revealing a front shot, were omitted from the documentary.  Substituted instead were shots fired at a car crash dummy billed as an exact replica of the human head complete with steel neck rings.  Finally, a recreation of splatter evidence revealed matter exploding spherically not in a forward path indicating a shot from behind – the premise for the recreation.

The documentary was cleverly done, but packed with omissions, inaccuracies, and downright distortions.  The motive for doing so broaches the question of “why?”  Perhaps the answer is related to another lesser known conspiracy theory; the Media covered up the truth for the appropriation of the national vote tabulation process.

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