Friday, November 30, 2012

Why did you use the word “Negro”?

I admit to being pulled over by the thought police.  It happened earlier this year when I was fortunate enough to have a 4 minute interview with a literary agent who was kind enough to give my Journal of the Silent Majority a look-see.  I was humbled to meet a real New York literary agent because, as the TV commercial suggests, the chances of that happening are comparable to be mauled by a brown bear and polar bear on the same day.  You seldom see these people west of the Appalachians.

Her first words were, “Why did you use the word Negro in your book”?  I had been pulled over.  I instantly guessed that I had created probable cause for search and then it came, “Do you have an agenda”?  And that was that. It was my introduction to the politically correct literary world and its legions of enforcers.  I replied, “I don’t believe the word ‘Negro’ is a pejorative term.”  Yes, I did have an agenda – the truth – a new kind of American history where “Tell it like it is!” is not just window dressing, but a legitimate and respected endeavor.

I did not have time to tell her that “Negro” and even “Colored” is an accurate and necessary term in American history.  Why hasn’t the NAACP changed its name?  Should sports fans consent to the renaming of The Negro Leagues?  Should Harry Golden, not exactly a member of the great right wing conspiracy, have changed his Mr. Kennedy and the Negroes to Mr. Kennedy and the African Americans?  Most children who know black history will remember Marcus Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association.  In Martin Luther King Jr.’s I have a Dream speech “Negro” is used 14 times.  In his Where Do We Go From Here speech King used it a whopping 75 times. What’s more, millions of Americans who lived in post-World War II America don’t believe it is a bad word.  Besides, “African American” is a misleading term because it is not accurate in an historical setting.  It implies that all Africans are black, something that Arab immigrants from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt would dispute.

Wait till she sees other words like Bourgeoisie and Proletariat that I use to replace the term Middle Class that has so many meanings as to make it meaningless.  Reverse McCarthyism will issue an all-points bulletin.  In Journal of the Silent Majority I also minimized the use of other inaccurate words like “Conservative” and “Liberal.”

The interview was an interesting journey. I received a subtle warning and not a ticket this time, but she probably knew that I’d be back on the same road tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Arts & Crafts Show Appearance, Dec. 1 - 2

I have a table at the Optimist Club’s Arts and Crafts Show Saturday and Sunday at the West Plains, Missouri Civic Center.  It offers a “Wide Range of Exhibits”.  It’s also an opportunity to publicize Journal of the Silent Majority and this blog.  It’s all part of my ongoing effort to get the book published, hopefully in 2013.

I always make it a point to give away books in my library, so I’ll have plenty on hand including – you guessed it – history and biography.  There will be back issues of Writer’s Digest and a few books on writing that aren’t too outdated.  They’re also free.  I’ll also share my discoveries on the eBook process.  If there are those who want to talk about WWII and North Africa, they are my specialties as well.

I’ll also bring a copy of Missouri’s Century Farms published this summer with discount order forms.  Acclaim Press was kind enough to publish in its entirety my Century Farms submission that led grandpa’s homestead to be included in the book.  Since there are over 3,000 Missouri Century Farms, the book has a wider appeal than just to the Cherry family.  Yours may be in it.

Monday, November 26, 2012

70th Anniversary of the Invasion of North Africa

There were more than 12,000,000 Americans who participated in WWII of which 150,000, including my father, landed in North Africa in November, 1942 in Operation Torch. Unfortunately, Americans do not know their collective story in fighting the Vichy French, Erwin Rommel, and his Africa Corps. It is tragic and revealing that newspapers never, even the local ones that recorded their return, carried but a handful of the stories of returning GIs and the strange things and places they saw like Oran, Mers El-Kébir, Algiers, Philippeville, Bone, Kasserine, and Bizerte. Nor does the public appreciate that the overwhelming majority were not technically in combat, but were in the Services of Supply (SOS) that included the Engineers, Chemical units, the Quartermaster Corps, Ordnance, Medical units, Signal Corps, and the Transportation Corps.

Dad was in the Center Attack Group transports of the 2nd Corps in the 1st Infantry Division. The 1st Division Headquarters Co. and its 1st Quartermaster Co. landed at Oran in the second wave at “Z” landing zone from the passenger liner H.M.S. Reina Del Pacifico, the ship that carried him. Oran forms a perfect harbor. It’s an artificial indentation among the surrounding hills with a 2,000 ft. peak on its west side.  The November weather was cold and rainy the first days of the landing. Oran was also a dangerous place.  He told me of the sight of one troop ship sitting in the ocean under a perfectly clear Mediterranean sky when a German submarine blew it up.  He said that in 10 minutes there was nothing left, not one thing, but a ring of smoke where the ship once was.  He said that the Mediterranean was the “bluest of blue”. The Germans sank the freighter Arthur Middleton on January 1, 1943, bombed Oran nineteen days later, and bombed the harbor on March 19, 1943.  Dad underwent aerial bombing and saw a black soldier get decapitated from shrapnel. 

Dad spent two years in Africa running convoys and hauling supplies eastward through the coastal valleys of the Atlas Mountains to help the 1st Infantry Division take the port of Bizerte, the German’s last supply base. At Oran he became a platoon sergeant over 16 trucks with black drivers and white guards. A major Transportation Corps truck head was established at Mostaganem up the coastal road east of Oran for the drive against Bizerte.  Convoys were always getting shot up.  Dad was proud of his plan to stagger trucks of six each to get to the destination without being bombed or strafed in a large convoy. 

At the eastern most point of the Atlas Mountains there is a hook or chain of mountains that goes southward from Bizerte forming what they used to call the dorsal.  The chain formed a natural barrier to the German’s armor so the main supply base was established at Tébessa west of the Kasserine Pass.  Rommel tried to break through, but mountains, B-24s, and armor don’t get along.  After an unsuccessful early attack by the Americans in 1942, the African Campaign drew down with the final assault on Bizerte near Tunis in the spring of 1943.  There were 275,000 German POWs taken at Tunis. Dad probably took part in their evacuation to Oran and POW camps.  He also saw U.S. troops in African prison camps overlooking the Mediterranean where they had been placed because of desertion.  He said they would jump over the cliff there rather than fight.  I believe that was at the Santa Cruz stockade above Oran.  One night he fell asleep on the side of the road with his rifle at his side while all night German prisoners went by.  That might have been at Tunis, but it drives me crazy because I can’t remember what he said.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Why are you applying for this job?

The following are answers to that humiliating employment question that we’ve all wanted to put on a job application. They are quoted from my old radio show and Journal of the Silent Majority.

I am applying for this job because starvation is not an option.

I am applying for this job at Fast Times Liquors because I am an alcoholic and I desperately need your health care benefits and company discount.

I am applying for this job because my name is Hannibal and I could not get a job in my chosen field of daycare management.

I am applying for this job at World Plastics because my friend, Joe Frankelstein, who works here, said you have the most benefits, the best pay, and have to do almost nothing to get them.

I am applying for this job because I’ve always wanted the chance to be rewarded by having my own “employee of the month” parking spot just like the Geico lizard.

I am applying for this job because I want to make a lot of money so that I can have my own business and hire a loser like you to ask the dumbest questions I’ve ever heard.

I am applying for this job because my old job was outsourced by an ascetic from the Lago Tribe of the lower Amazon who was apparently more ascetic than me.

I am applying for this job because I’ve heard your retirement option at 85 is the best in the country.

I am applying for this job because I am a masochist and love the public humiliation of asking for a minimum wage job. 

I am applying for this job at Hillsdale Medical Center because I’m running out of body parts to sell.

I am applying for this job because I have been an independent wine taster at 12th and Troost for 30 years and I am ready to make a higher commitment to the wine and spirits industry.

I am applying for this job at the Tip Top Modeling Agency because my probation officer said it would be a good way to meet chicks.

I am applying for this job because I, like Clark Griswold, have always wanted to be in the food preservative business.

I am applying for this job because I’m a corporate spy trying to learn more about your company.

The Republican Party is alive and well for a reason.

Republicans don’t have to worry about reaching out and pleasing minorities.  Republicans will always have a place at the table because they are part of a family, a well-oiled ruling class machine whose brother is the Democrat Party and whose single parent of both is the Media who creates and nurtures them. Circumstances indicate the existence of Alternation of Power Protocols. Not for one moment do I believe that a billion dollar monopoly will not defend and perpetuate itself by all means necessary against encroachments made by fickle democracy.

For a 20 year period starting in 1972 America’s sharing of power between Republicans and Democrats, the foundation that keeps the illusion going, needed repair.  Richard Nixon was cut short and resigned which led to the reversal of an election. Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter served one term.  Republicans held on to power too long under Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. Democrats allied with the Media saw 1992 as a way of breaking the Republican reign with the disruptive cultivation of Ross Perot – a balancing act that almost got out of hand for both parties. Since political stability and continuity are good for Wall Street, 8 year terms are apparently better for Wall Street in the long haul.

Since 1992 a pattern has emerged that won’t upset the apple cart. More is in my upcoming book, Journal of the Silent Majority. It has to do something with the watershed capability of controlling presidential elections via the modem, touch screen, and the technological advances made in the late 1990s and refined by Election 2000. The day of the local party bosses determining elections was over.  Election rigging became centralized under new management.

Gullible Americans trust the fox in the chicken house and never question who tabulates the vote.  All the fox has to do is appoint a commission and wave the magic wand and presto, untraceable electronic impulses replace paper ballot. Where are the muckrakers, investigators, dissenters, reformers, and agitators?  The answer is they have been beaten down, but their saving grace is in those extraordinary events that inevitably overtake both political parties. Truth is like the back end of a slinky; it always catches up with the lies in front.  I predict that Republicans will somehow pull it off in 2016 and 2020.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The U.S.S. Old America, Brace! Brace!

It appears that despite the efforts of the Republican and Democrat crew of the American Titanic, events beyond their control will determine her fate because its course cannot be altered. Predatory capitalists and socialists represented by the two entrenched parties feed from the same trough. Extremists from both sides rule the day because of the removal of opposition parties through fixed elections. Even with the monopoly the officers of the existing order can no longer collectively solve the nation’s problems as they sail into the ice fields. 

Silent Majority Americans in the lower decks find themselves justified in their disgust for the two-party system and in a fatalist judgment of our corroded institutions. We are bracing for impact.  We fully believe that moves against Social Security and Medicare will be an act of war against us. There is a gathering storm reminiscent of which class gets its feathers plucked in order to appease the deficit. That event led to the French Revolution.

History tells us that civilizations are like the blooming of flowers; they experience the uncertainty and elation of youth, they mature, and fade into the perils of old age and die.  America is no different.  We are just a heartbeat away from a disastrous war, an end to our civil liberties, an economic collapse, or crop failure that made irreconcilable class conflicts the stuff of the French Revolution and the Revolutions of 1848. In the meantime, our new epoch into which we are sailing promises to be a terrifying, but interesting one.  Our old constitutional republic, the U.S.S. Old America, is sailing into the night.

Monday, November 19, 2012

JFK Assassination Disinformation

The Military Channel’s JFK: Inside the Target Car reveals a curious wave of Warren Commission apologists on national television. It claims JFK was indeed shot from behind as the Warren Commission said and “history will be remade.”  However, author Jim Garrison claimed that on November 17, 1963 a telexed warning was issued to all FBI offices, but ignored: “. . . MAY ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE PRESIDENT KENNEDY ON HIS PROPOSED TRIP TO DALLAS TEXAS . . . .”  Someone had apparently let the conspiracy cat out of the bag.  Ms. Lincoln, Kennedy’s personal secretary, said on the Larry King Show in the early 1980s that her husband heard men talking in a restaurant about plans to assassinate the President. She told the President and he replied, “They’ll just have to get me in church.”   My particular interest stems from being a contemporary who recollects events.  I heard that warning on the radio about three days before the assassination when I lived in Kansas City.
The documentary cavalierly dismisses the gun shot echoes brought up by the 1978 House Assassinations Committee as too complex to determine if there was a fourth shot that indicated more than one location. The moderator then focuses on the impossibility of a front shot. A Commerce Street vista would offer no concealment and the limousine’swindshield would have blocked the shot.  The show’s resident expert sniper would have favored the north end overpass location because the storm drain conceals the sniper from the train switch tower, but the moderator cavalierly deflects consideration to the exposed grassy area in front of the north fence because present-day shrubbery is blocking the sight picture from the drain. Finally, the parking lot picket fence location near photographer Zapruder was rightly dismissed because it would have been a perpendicular shot fatal to Jackie.

The presence of a 3’X3’X5’ deep storm drain at the northwest end of the picket fence with an 18” getaway pipe was originally disclosed on film by the Colliers brothers in Votescam, the Movie in 1985.  In the book, That Day in Dallas, reporter Bob McNeil stands among a crowd over the drain where the front gunman was located.  I believe this; the bullet originated here, passed by the Stemmons Freeway sign on through the President, and terminated as a lateral nick in the curb.

The broadcast had too many loose ends even though bullet fragments were considered the “best evidence” by the Warren Commission.  Accounting for the number of bullets and where they came from is good.  DNA could also prove a conspiracy.Kennedy’s clip-on tie (FBI Exhibit 59) could reveal that there was a front shot.  If there was no matter on the ties inside, the round would have to have come from the front.  If JFK was shot from behind, there would be DNA or bone fragments carried from the bullet and imbedded into the white lining of the tie. Omissions of graphic evidence of the autopsy, while respecting “the memory of beloved President,” are outdated relics and indicate a cover-up.  The head snap movie frames, back and to the left revealing a front shot, were omitted from the documentary.  Substituted instead were shots fired at a car crash dummy billed as an exact replica of the human head complete with steel neck rings.  Finally, a recreation of splatter evidence revealed matter exploding spherically not in a forward path indicating a shot from behind – the premise for the recreation.

The documentary was cleverly done, but packed with omissions, inaccuracies, and downright distortions.  The motive for doing so broaches the question of “why?”  Perhaps the answer is related to another lesser known conspiracy theory; the Media covered up the truth for the appropriation of the national vote tabulation process.

Media Scandal Just the Tip of the Iceberg

The News Corporation Phone Hacking Scandal has faded from sight.  The coverage was almost nonexistent here, but for a reason.  Our relation with the press goes a long way back to the First Amendment.  Back then it was in its infancy doing what it was supposed to do: keep the politicians accountable and reporting the news that’s fit to print. Our media has its color; some of the commentators look like eighth graders or characters from the Doonesbury comic strip.  The stable of blonds at FOX is most distracting.  The antics of the hosts don’t help either.  Throwing a football in front of the camera or verbally beating a guy to a pulp is not my idea of news reporting.  That’s the innocent part as predictable as the rising sun. 
Scant are the accumulated lessons from memory, experience, and critical thought.  It may come as a shock to the newer IPod, Facebook, and Twitter generations that Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t kill Lincoln.  There are Silent Majority Americans who remember when the U.S. population was 150,000,000 and the day when they got electricity.  We’ve seen what really goes down because we’re old enough to have observed the nature of man and politics. 
There has been a checkered development of our “public utility.”  The American Media has created Presidents, removed them from office, and reversed an election.  They controlled presidential succession, covered up an assassination, undermined the Vietnam War, begun other wars, and gained control of the vote tabulation process.  Our Media has championed the worst elements, filtered out opposing viewpoints, elevated from obscurity the worst elements, popularized the basest leanings, made heroes of criminals, ridiculed and attacked nearly every institution: Christianity, the family, the military, marriage, law.  They are the quintessential preservers of the race card and enablers for the ascension of depravities like drug use.  The Media is the mother ship for restless intellectuals.  They are also a haven for our politicians who have become dependent on electronic publicity, not the citizens they are supposed to represent – a conflict of interest as wide as the Grand Canyon.  Politicians flock to the Media’s lucrative warm embrace as consultants. 
To say that the Media is the “press” is to ignore its institutional development.  We were not surprised by scandal in the United Kingdom.  It is the norm here.  They think we do not know that our media, the most revolutionary class in America, has become the government. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Debt Crisis Inching Its Way Upward

I saw on TV a sad story of how corporate executives were affected by the Crash of 2008 and had to start all over again.  The main character had to give up his Porsche, his country club membership, and assume the paltry salary of $65,000 per year.  The show was remarkable because its theme had finally touched the consciousness of the Media whose job is to report what’s going on in America although the economic cracking and popping of the national superstructure has been going on for decades.

I don’t recall any similar concern when the Silent Majority endured the Crash of 1982 which was much worse not only in numbers, but in the hiring and salary handicaps that became the norm.  I remember them well: changing hiring job titles to lower salaries (coordinator), offering a 37.5 hour work week to avoid “full time” benefits, making uncompensated working hours a condition of employment, de-funding key corporate duties of health care and pensions, and finally, the most dramatic of all, the periodic culling of the work force by the tens of thousands in “lay offs” to prevent employee vesting in order to pocket their salaries.

The story and trauma of 26 million Americans remains a silent one because the chicken that was being plucked was not very glamorous and did not own a Porsche.

Missing the Forrest for the Trees

Another poll of Americans reflecting their deep seated alienation with government has the experts scratching their heads.  It’s not surprising because they never ask the Silent Majority anything. If they did, we would tell them about our old memories: the unresolved assassination of a president; the displacement of moral values; the ousting of a vice-president, president, and the resulting reversal of an election; the toleration of drugs; the silencing of dissenting voices; and the seizure of the election/tabulation process by the Media that has eclipsed government.

Our current era fairs no better: an economic crash: unimaginable economic crimes against the state; endless wars; unemployment; class warfare in the form of threats against Social Security and Medicare; the elevation of the worst elements - gangs, miscreant celebrities, criminals, homosexuals; the election of a president who promoted a New World Order, one who enthroned sexual pleasure, another who was mentally unstable; and the disenfranchisement of one-third of the electorate by the two-party system and vote fraud on a national scale.

If the Media never gives the Silent Majority credit for anything else, let them at least acknowledge our lifetime of observation.

The Splitting of the Social Fabric

Our economic woes finally touched the sacrosanct topics of Social Security and Medicare, two of the most important tenants of the Social Contract that exists between those that are ruled and those who rule.  The younger members of the Silent Majority are being conditioned to accept the inevitability of the demise of these two bulwarks of social stability.  The guarantee to preserve both for older Americans effectively splits the outrage and trivializes the larger question.

The Social Contract is omitted by a conspicuous silence by those above who seem to deny that it exists or has ever existed.  Perhaps a meaningful discourse is lost in the preoccupation of television with sex scandals, murders, and the trials and tribulations of criminals, transvestites, drug dealers, and en vogue politicians.

The good news is that the worse things get, the more ordinary people begin to rethink their place in the America they built.  Maybe they will re-discover that those who govern do so by the consent of the governed or resolve the question of who is more important, the prince or the private who comprises the worker bees, fights the wars, and preserves the peace for commerce and prevents the nationalization of industry. 

Third Party Participation Impossible

It is impossible for the Occupy Wall Street and Tea Party activists to form a viable third party alternative to the Democrats and Republicans. 

The first reason is the difficulty and expense of third party ballot access controlled by Republican and Democrat secretaries of state.  Secondly, state election machinery is in the hands of the same people guarding strategic states like Ohio, Michigan, and Florida.  Thirdly, when a dark horse like Perot got too threatening the Media denied him commercial buys.  It’s in the Media’s interest to preserve the two party billion dollar income stream.  Fourthly is the vote fraud fueled by the un-auditable electrical impulses of the touch screen.  Fifthly is the failure of officials at all levels to punish major vote fraudsters.  Sixthly, blocked access to the “private” Presidential Debates proves that charismatic dark horses have outlived their usefulness as spoilers. Lastly, the Media, the recipient of the billion dollars, tabulates the vote by private companies, a conflict of interest.

Perhaps the biggest shocker of them all is that the Tea Party and OWS shouldn’t even try to form a third party now because the Republicans and Democrats are doing such a wonderful job of self destruction.

Tea Party Served Its Republican Function

The Tea Party’s blossom is no longer clinging to the vine.  I believe it was but a part of a series of controlled creations essential to the survival of the two-party monopoly. Specifically, Fox News and the Republican Party sought a way to rejuvenate their party after the disastrous presidency of George W. Bush.  Republicans had acted as spoilers before in 1994 with the Contract with America.  The Media and Democrats were doing it again with Occupy Wall Street (OWS) to rejuvenate their cadres. 

Despite all the publicity and the short memory of Americans, the Tea Party is just a shadow of the most revolutionary spoiler in decades, the altruistic reform movement that challenged the status quo in 1992.  The Ross Perot phenomenon was created by the Media and aided by the Democrats to break the twelve-year Reagan Era by splitting the Republican Party.  Talk Radio popularized the populist message and Democrat complicity allowed Perot into the critical presidential debates. Perot made the ballot in twenty one states. On July 16, 1992 he polled enough electoral votes (284) to have won the election and garnered almost 20 million votes in an election that was to be determined by a plurality. After the victory of Bill Clinton the threat was neutralized in 1996 by ridicule, mockery, denial of paid advertising, a ban from the presidential debates, and the Republican Contract with America that repatriated conservatives and led to substantial gains in Congress.  With the passage of the Communications Act of 1996 the media monopolists bought out Talk Radio.  Pat Buchanan was met with equal ferocity when he balanced the party’s economic message with a spiritual tone that resonated with Evangelicals and reached the suburbs in 49 states.

Tea Party activists cannot form a viable third party. It is not allowed.  The difficulty and expense of ballot access controlled by Republican and Democrat secretaries of state is insurmountable.  State election machinery is in the hands of the same people guarding strategic states like Ohio, Michigan, and Florida.  It’s in the Media’s interest to preserve the multi billion dollar income stream flowing from the two parties.  The refinement of the vote fraud option by the un-auditable electrical impulses of the touch screen and modems ended a fair count forever; officials have no incentive to punish vote fraud because they own the system.  Blocked access to the “private” presidential debates ended all opposition. Lastly, the Media, specifically the Associated Press, tabulates the national vote.  Election outcomes have become an option for America’s most revolutionary class.

The Tea Party was not alone; it was one in a series of four recent creations by the Media and manipulated by the major parties to preserve an illusion.  It will not be the last. Republicans and Democrats will never alter the status quo that made them dominant. They have mastered the art of creation, channeling, and neutralization. The Tea Party’s usefulness will expend itself just as did United We Stand America, Contract with America, and the Reform Party.

Journal of the Silent Majority sample bibliography

FYI:  This is a sample bibliography that I used in writing Journal of the Silent Majority.   This explains the 751 footnotes.

“Mad Dog: Recurring Missouri Candidate propounded racist, anti-Semitic beliefs.” The  Kansas City Jewish Chronicle, 16 July, 2004 xx.
Seib, Gerald F. "Perot Voters Roam Political Landscape, Backing Varied Causes" Wall  Street Journal 12 (August 1994): A1.
Professor Alan Dershowitz, Interview by Mike Wallace 20 January 2002, 60 Minutes.  Mr. Dershowitz said he favors "Torture Warrants."  He justifies his position by saying, " . . . experience changes our conception of rights."
U.S. Court of Appeals, Case #98-3323, Sept. 29, 1999
Votescam the Video. Produced and directed by _____60 min., xxxxx, 1992.
Larry King, On the Line (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1993), pp.
Ron Chernow, The Warburgs (New York: Random House, 1993), pp.
Robert H. Bork, Slouching Towards Gomorrah (New York, Regan Books, 1996), pp.
James M. and Kenneth F. Collier (Votescam: The Stealing of America. New York: Victoria House Press, 1992), pp.
Harold Jacobs, ed. Weatherman (Ramparts Press, 1970), pp.
Dennis L. Cuddy, The Globalists (Oklahoma City: Hearthstone Publishing, 2001), pp.
Barry Goldwater, With No Apologies (New York: William Morrow & Co., 1979), pp.
Gary H. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1992), pp.
Carolyn Barta, Perot and His People (Fort Worth: The Summit Group, 1993), pp.
Patrick J. Buchanan, A Republic, Not an Empire (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 1999), pp.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Translated by Thomas P. Whitney The Gulag Archipelago (New York: Harper and Row, 1973), pp.
Ralph Nader, Crashing the Party (New York: St. Martin's Press, 2002), pp.
Albert J. Menendez, The Perot Voters & The Future of American Politics (New York: Prometheus Books, 1996), pp.
Mark Crispin Miller, Fooled Again (New York: Basic Books, 2005), pp.
Mark Crispin Miller, Cruel and Unusual  (New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2004), pp.   
Barry Miles, Hippie (New York: Sterling Publishing Co., 2004), 11.
Eldridge Cleaver, Soul on Ice (New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1968), 11.
David Horowitz, Radical Son (New York: The Free Press, 1997), 11.
David A. Leuthold, Campaign Missouri 1992 (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1994), 11.
K.C. Tessendorf, Kill the Tsar, Youth and Terrorism in Old Russia (New York: Atheneum, 1986), 11.
Ronald Hingley, Nihilists (New York: Delacorte Press, 1967), 11.
Milton Viorst, Fire in the Streets (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1979), 11.
Tom Hayden, Reunion, A Memoir (New York: Random House, 1988), 11.
Adam B. Ulam, In the Name of the People (New York: The Viking Press, 1977), 11.
Harold Jacobs, ed. Weatherman (Ramparts Press, 1970), 11.
     Peter Collier, and David Horowitz ed. Second Thoughts: Former Radicals Look Back at the Sixties (Lanham, Maryland: Madison Books, 1989), 11.
     Richard J. Newman, "Operation Fix-My Bifocals," U.S. News and World Report, 3/17/97.
Books and Pamphlets
Adler, Frank J. Roots in a Moving Stream: The Centennial History of Congregation B'nai
Jehudah of Kansas City 1870-1970. Kansas City: The Temple, Congregation B'nai
Jehuda, 1972.
Alliluyeva, Svetlana, Twenty Letters to a Friend, trans. Priscilla Johnson McMillan  (New York: Harper & Row, Inc., 1967).
Baltzell, E. Digby. The Protestant Establishment. New York: Vintage Books, 1966.
Beard, Charles A. An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States.
New York: The Free Press, 1986.
Beardsley, Monroe C. The European Philosophers From Descartes To Nietzsche. The
Modern Library. New York: Random House, Inc. 1960.
Bird, Kai.  The Color of Truth.  New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998.
Bowers, Claude G. The Tragic Era, the Revolution After Lincoln. Cambridge, Mass.: The
Riverside Press, 1929.
Carlyle, Thomas. The French Revolution: A History. The Modern Library. New York:
Random House, Inc.
Collier, James M. and Kenneth F. Votescam: The Stealing of America. Victoria House
          Press: New York, 1992.
Colodny, Len, and Robert Gettlin. Silent Coup: The Removal of a President. New York:
St. Martin’s Press, 1991.
Courtois, Stephane, and others, trans. Jonathan Murphy and Mark Kramer The Black Book of Communism (Cambridge: Harvard University Press)
Davidson, James, William Gienapp, Christine Heyrman, Mark Lytle, eds. Nation of
Nations. A Narrative History of the American Republic, Vol. 2, Since 1865, New
York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 1990.
Douglas, William O. The Court Years 1939-1975. New York: Random House Inc., 1980.
Douglas, William O. Go East Young Man: The Early Years. New York: Random House 
          Inc., 1974.
Eisenhower, Dwight D. Mandate For Change 1963-1956. New York: Doubleday &
Company, Inc., 1963.
Fischer, Louis.  The Life of Mahatma Gandhi.  New York: Collier Books, 1950.
Friedly, Michael, and David Gallen. Martin Luther King, Jr. The FBI File. New York:
Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc., 1993.
Gibbon, Edward.  The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Edited by Oliphant
Smeaton. Vol. 1, New York: The Modern Library; reprint.
Gibbs, Philip. European Journey.  New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc., 1934.
Gilbert, G.M.  Nuremberg Diary. New York: Signet, 1947.
Goebbels, Joseph. The Goebbels Diaries. Translated by Louis P. Lochner. New York:
Popular Library, 1948.
Golden, Harry. Mr. Kennedy and the Negroes. Cleveland and New York: The World
Publishing Co., 1964.
Goldman, Eric F. Rendezvous With Destiny. New York: Vintage Books, 1952.
Goldwater, Barry. With No Apologies. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1979.
Golenpaul, Dan, ed. Information Please Almanac 1972. New York: Dan Golenpaul and
Associates, 1971. "Can We Trust the Politicians?" by Dan Golenpaul.
Graham, Katherine.  Katherine Graham: Personal History. New York: Vintage Books, 1998.
Green, Martin. Tolstoy and Gandhi, Men of Peace. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1983.
Herbert, Hilary A. Why the Solid South? 1890. No publisher given.
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