Showing posts with label race war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label race war. Show all posts

Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Fortuitous Convergence

Alas, poor Tony, the professional revolutionary and terrorist.  I knew him well. He and his incarnations have been getting away with murder for the more than the fifty years.  He’s everywhere making fools of law and order, looting, burning, making the scene at be-ins, sit-ins, kneel-ins, confrontations, and appearing on national television like MSNBC screaming how white privilege and police brutality have enslaved the black man.  Now he’s upped the “conversation” by assassinating cops.  Because Tony’s so busy, he may not realize that in the next two years an ambitious plan is being laid out for him.  The temptation is just too great.

His parents know what I’m talking about.  In the 1960s there was executive sanction.  John Kennedy was the President who always promised them “federal intervention” and bail money.  His enforcer was Bobby Kennedy in the Attorney General's seat.  Then there was Martin Luther King Jr. always preaching peace and no matter where he went, there was violence.  It’s Deja Vu:  Barak Obama, Eric Holder, and Al Sharpton – the same old combustibles.  But no, there’s more.  His old compatriots in the Media give him power and dominance.  Shortly, we’ll see an intensification of TV shows and movies depicting white repression and the nobility of the old civil rights agitators.  And, there’s even more.  Who’s going to fund this new race war?  Will it be the Ford Foundation or a syndicate of millionaires and billionaires?  Lawyers, buses, and marches have to be paid for.  No, more and more.  We’re at peace again.  It’s the old timing scenario between WWII and Vietnam.  That means dedicated media attention.

In his lame duck condition and leftist executive actions President Obama is “letting her rip” in his second term - getting what he can while he can and carefully avoiding the wishes of the majority. A fortuitous convergence has occurred again.  It’s an ominous and dangerous re-occurrence for the white Christian male and our teetering republic.  The whole pantheon of Socialists, Anarchist, Communists, black racists, militant atheists, and assorted criminals are awaiting their marching orders.  For the next two years it’ll be all about Tony and his handlers and I suspect they already know Barak Obama will be our last Negro President.