do we go from here? The April riots are
over and the hot months of July and August 2015 approach. The “Fortuitous Convergence” of Left wing
forces is still operational. All the “civil
rights” stars aligned: black President, black Attorney General, black mayor,
black prosecutor, and the Media hungry for dramatic events and ratings. Pinch me.
Am I living in another Reconstruction America after the Civil War with
its federal occupation of the South?
With more than a half century of “loot and scoot” politics has time
finally run out on the thugs and criminals that have made a mockery of law and
order? On the other hand, as one
commentator on MSNBC gleefully noted; violence works. Jesse Jackson knew that; so did Martin Luther
King Jr. and Tom Hayden. “When you riot,
you get things.”
my studies of the 1960s era I was surprised by the intimate relationships
between the leaders of the Civil Rights Movement, the Left (CPUSA), and
Democrats, especially John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. In the largely unknown story, there was a
remarkable co-ordination: tactical and strategic strategy, logistics (Ford
Foundation), alliances (i.e. ACLU, Lawyers Guild), and above all, Media support
and participation. Someone could write a
book about it, but the important thing to remember is these guys like Stanley
Levison, Harry Wachtel, and Allard Lowenstein knew what they were doing. So do people like AL Sharpton and our other
present day rabble rousers. It’s their
thing and how they make a living – professional carpet baggers and snake oil
salesmen. Amateurs can’t sell Utopian
ideas. On the other hand, I think it’s
fair to say, their nemeses in the intelligence agencies are good at their jobs
too and know what the trouble makers know.
Time is running out on their race card antics.
you’re going to riot, burn down another town, rob CVSs, or pulverize the cops
with brinks (Kent State), do it in 2015.
(July and August are the traditional riot months in the United
States. See Facts on File, 5-Year Index.)
Both sides know their history, especially Republican strategists who, I
believe, are still shedding crocodile tears over Ferguson and Baltimore. Don’t riot in 2016 because that’s Election
2016 and the Republicans will be waiting with a Nixon-like “law and order”
candidate. Next stop: another Republican
landslide. The last part of 2015 should
be a healing and forgetting period after the projected summer riots. If riots occurred during the presidential debates
or conventions (Chicago 1968) in 2016, it would be
disastrous for the Left. Again, I say
the Left is calculating about its timing in the application of destruction
and violence. History shows July and
August are their favorite months, in this 2015, their final glory hours of the
Fortuitous Convergence.