do favorable civil rights conditions present themselves. America has its first black President. It has its first black Attorney General. The race riots in Henderson, Missouri
occurred in a state with a Democrat governor and an activist Democrat federal
senator. Congress is sleep-walking and
President Obama governs by the spurt of the pen. National incidents where white policemen
arrest Blacks with unpleasant or tragic results are almost a monthly
occurrence. The Media’s coverage moves
from town to town like a Barnum and Bailey circus encouraging the mob. What more fortuitous conditions have
presented themselves for Lame Duck President Obama and Attorney General Holder
and his Justice Department?
Henderson a watershed moment for the Left?
A pattern and crusade has presented itself. Finally, with every arrest there is executive
comment or intervention. President
Obama’s advisors are probably asking themselves, “Why let a tragedy go to
waste?” Is Henderson the start of a
national dialogue so longed for by Socialists?
That dialogue could begin innocently enough. Its manifestation could be The President’s Report on Civil Disorders. It would be printed in book form by the New York Times with a special
introduction by Al Sharpton. Of course,
it would become a mandatory read in all public colleges and universities. But first, careful preparation is needed.
give the report credibility President Obama would have had to appoint a
committee of experts to support its contents and conclusions. The makeup of the President’s Commission on Civil Disorders would also dispel any
notion of bias. President Obama could
appoint learned men and women of the Media like Chris Matthews and Melissa-Harris
Perry with an ample sprinkling of PhDs and practitioners of the Social Gospel
like Reverend Wright and Louis Farrakhan. The
advisory staff should include members of the ACLU, NAACP, and the New Black
Panthers. Jesse Jackson could be the commission’s
report’s conclusion would confront racism in post-racial America by naming the
culprits and suggesting ways of alleviating the conditions of ignorance and
discrimination. Of course, the biggest
culprits are whites in general who created slavery. Police brutality is a major concern and
proportional hiring (Affirmative Action) in Henderson’s police department
should be implemented. Arrests of Blacks
in Henderson and elsewhere in America can be done by black policemen only. Call it “Peer Arrest.” Sensitivity Training (education) should be
undertaken at once in all government facilities and by all government
contractors. A second War on Poverty
should be declared by massive funding of government programs. The possibilities are endless. Will
America’s first black administration seize the opportunity?