Saturday, March 8, 2014

Karlstad on the Klara River

I followed the same mountainous route on my ride east towards Stockholm when I met an old white haired school teacher from one of America’s northern states.  She was making her final journey to her roots.  She could speak broken Swedish because her parents were Swedes and she became the delight of the other passengers.    She said I looked like someone she had a crush on when she was young.  Later we stopped at a small town west of Karlstad where I spent the night.  It was a classy place and their TV had some pretty good 1930’s movies playing. 

The next morning I arrived at Karlstad in Värmland which is a region above Lake Vänern that has a southern canal that links to the Baltic.  From the train station I walked down the banks of the purple Klara River on the grounds of what is now called the Värmlands Museum.  (I don’t remember the museum.)  My picture shows me in my old plaid CPO still popular in 1977.  Near a birch tree grove I photographed a classical bronze statue worthy of a picture.  In my opinion Scandinavia has too much of what I call “Slag Art.”

My night’s stay in Karlstad was at a private residence that had a TV with High Definition.  They showed hospital operations and specials on how Swedish teenagers were going bad.  There was also a commercial about socialism that played a catchy tune about shirkers.  Before dark, I was going through the park when I noticed a man jogging in black tights.  I thought he looked like the cartoon character Pepe Le Pew in pursuit.  This is another example of how America is several years behind European customs and fashions.  Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t jogging tights for men arrive many years later in the middle to late 1980’s? 

Instead of McDonald’s Karlstad had hamburger joints called Clocks.  This one was not impressive - small, poor service, and not very clean.  It reminded me of a ticket booth.  After I finished eating, I glanced at the crowd and saw what surely was my twin walking about 10 feet away.  It was spooky and has it has never happened to me before or since.  It’s said everyone has a twin somewhere.