Journal of the Silent Majority
Chapter 1
The Beginning of the Boomers:
Who We Were and Where We Came From
Before the Great Migration to the City: One
Last Try at Farming/ Coming to Independence and Kansas City: Sights,
Sounds, and the New Pecking Order/The Baby Boomers Enter School in the 1950s: There Sure Were a
Lot of Kids in Those Days/ Spending the Summers in Michigan: Poles, Catholics,
Jews, Negroes, Germans, Hungarians
Chapter 2
The Pampered Children of the Bourgeoisie Raise Hell:
Beatniks, University Radicals, and the Hippies
The Beat Generation: The Media Popularizes the Worst Elements/The Music that
Gave Us a Generational Consciousness: Do Wop, the Beatles, Mo Town, and Hippie Rock/The East Coast Nest for University Rebellion:
Something’s Happening Here, New York’s Lower East Side/The West Coast Nests for University Rebellion: What Was Up in
San Francisco,
and L.A./My
Discovery on Who the University Radicals Really Were: The SDS,
Yippies (Anarchists), and the Terrorist Weathermen
atheism found fertile
ground in the enfants terribles of
the bourgeoisie. They could raise all kinds of hell and get away with
it. It is important to remember that
they were not us – the Silent Majority, although the Media would have us
to believe it. They received all the
attention while we toiled at our jobs and kept the country and its institutions
running. We served in the military, kept
out of jail, stayed away from drugs, and raised the next generation of
Americans in real families that had their own trials and difficulties. However, the outrageous demands and antics of
the radicals still smoldered in the Civil Rights Movement, Anti-Vietnam War Movement, post
Watergate crusades, and
well into the 1980s. Our cities would nearly burn down and the streets turned
into avenues where rioters and arsonists ruled the day. All the while we remained obedient and kept
our noses to the grind stone.
Chapter 3
The Third Great U.S. Race War 1954-1968:
The Victory of the Worst Elements
The Race War Begins Again: The Evolution
of the Civil Rights Organizations and the Disproportional Representation of
Jews/The Beginning
of the Third Great Race War: Brown v. the Topeka Board of Education, 1954/Provocation,
Crisis, and Reward, 1955: The Montgomery Bus Boycott and Dress Rehearsal for
Violent Direct Action/The Child of the Ford Foundation and the Media: The
Creation of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr./The Near Avoidance of Violence and
Revolution: The Success of Gradualism Up to 1960/The Nashville Student Movement
1958-1960: The Mysterious Looby Bombing/The Freedom Rides of 1961: Provocation,
Violence, and the Interstate Transportation Act of 1961/The
Birmingham Staged Riots, 1963: Children and Mysterious
Bombs Gain Federal Intervention/The Re-Occupation of Mississippi 1964: Twilight
of the Negro “Civil Rights” Movement/Provocation, Crisis, and Reward: Selma,
Alabama and the Voting Rights Act 1965/Resuming Black
Terrorism 1965-1968: “Burn Baby Burn!”/The Protective Umbrella of the
Militants: The Kennedy and Johnson Administrations 1960-1968/The
Media Institutionalizes Terrorist Organizations: The
Communists, Nation of Islam, SNCC, and the
Black Panthers Provocation, Crisis, and Reward: The
Fair Housing Act of 1968/The Legacy of Violence: The Breakdown of Law and Order
& the Encouragement of the Worst Elements by the Left/The Negro Domination
of White America: Affirmative Action/ The Negro Domination of America: Manners,
Morals, and Forced Busing/The Legacy of
Black Violence: Crime, and the Rise of Minority Gangs in America/Why the U.S.
Civil Rights Movement Was Not a Mass Movement: The
Illusion of Moral Sanction
An opportunistic confluence of factors created
the Civil Rights Movements and resulted in the passage of legislation at the
expense of those institutions which made it possible. Federal bayonets and funding were only part
of helping a minority achieve political dominance. The most significant factor was the Media in its War
of the Worlds capability; with the proper tweaking, a false “mass movement” can be created again
by whoever controls the Media after this generation dies out. The illusion of moral sanction will again
justify its wildest excesses.