Monday, July 22, 2013

My Old Radio Shows Now on YouTube

The Reform Times radio shows on Homosexual Marriage from March 27, 2004 hosted by Dawn Bly, me, and guest, Judy Smith of Concerned Women for America – Kansas Chapter, have been uploaded to YouTube. They are the beginning of the best of my Reform Party-oriented talk radio shows that aired in 2004 and 2005.  Track one is the first segment followed by another video for the second half (track 2).

When I had my radio shows, The Reform Times and the Ray Cherry Show, it was a standard practice of KCXL to give me a music CD of the shows.  In retirement my two stacks were gathering dust and I thought it would be a shame to waste them because so many people were involved in producing shows that carried important messages and represented a time when many Americans still had faith in the political system, that is, enough to try to reform it.  Also, since my book, Journal of the Silent Majority, contains their record, I thought videos would be a good way to shamelessly advertise the advent of the book.

Track 1,

I watched several video tutorials and learned it is important to watch the most recent versions.  Windows Movie Maker now is different than the older version with the old timeline bar.  Some of the videos are funny to watch because they are done by the “hey Dude, this is me” generation who cannot speak or offer logical instruction.  Some of the cursor movements are so jerky that it reminds me of a cat following a laser beam.

Technically it was a challenge, but I followed some basic submission rules: the video must not be longer than 15 minutes and the file must be of a certain kind.  Glitches occurred because some of the library computers I used weren’t updated with the latest operating software.  You’ll notice a few of my posts on Blogger have punctuation errors because of that, especially the bullet points. Sometimes the corrections just won’t register.

Added to the technical problem was the fact that the CDs contain two or three tracks that I can’t edit or cherry pick from; the YouTube submissions start and end in less than 15 minutes - probably following the length of the photo submissions.  Maybe there’s a way.  I’ve standardized the beginning and ending credits so that more videos from the shows can be made with fill-in topics like Gun Control, Abortion, Taxes, Crime, etc.  In the end, the process was a little hard for me, but I think it worked.