These are the halcyon days of our worst elements. Almost every day television greets Americans with new moral outrages as they arrive home from the daily grind. With the spurt of the pen - and no vote of the people - new directives in the form of executive orders change the lives of Americans already battered by decades of social and cultural warfare. The bad news is that the best elements are losing and more so every day on nearly all institutional fronts.
Consider the operational theology of the left. Was not abortion an assault on the very young and defenseless? The clarity and simplicity of the issue does not escape Christians. The Left embraced assisted suicide because, as militant atheists, they could also play God with the old and infirm. What exposes the socialists of the Left for what they are is always logical outcome of their strange beliefs. Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn chronicled “the unusual nature of these people.”
The recent institutional attacks on the military has hastened its decline and collapse. When homosexuals were allowed to serve openly, a new sanction on deviant behavior made obsolete the time honored Christian values of those who defend the state. Very recently the outgoing Secretary of Defense formalized the inclusion of women in combat, again by the spurt of the pen. It means double standards that will not only affect readiness, but morale. Biblical values of the common soldier are cast aside. Isn’t protecting women against having to serve in combat a moral value? Feminists who are prone to argue their case for economic opportunity are blissfully unaware that their position has an instructive parallel with events that ended the Weimar Republic. Why not lift the ban on the political activities of soldiers? Why not conduct a national plebiscite on such a critical issue?
The institutional attack on marriage has been relentless. The national news abounds with homosexual marriage victories and post game celebrations in several states. Again, Christianity is attacked at the core by a militant political agenda originating from those contemptuous of the sanctity of marriage. No opposition is heard. Why is that? Where is the outrage and where are the churches, especially fundamentalist Christian? The answer lies with Pavlov’s Dream Machine.
Gun control is a perennial assault, not to stop violence, but to neutralize dominant males who control the state. It’s an anthropomorphic instinct of the worst elements against the best elements who instinctively protect their families against domestic or government threats. We know the legacy of a disarmed population: arrests, exterminations, the Cheka, the Lubyanka, NKVD, and a system of repression surpassing that of Nazi Germany. While the Left is savoring its moment in the sun, let them also realize pulling the male lion’s tail proved to be a deadly sport when the hyena discovered the hard way that sex wasn‘t the lion’s only specialty.
Pot heads are ecstatic over their recent legal victories that allow the usage of marijuana at will. Anything to eviscerate and destroy the individual and thus, the state, seems to be allowed. Our future can be clearly seen today in Denmark and the Netherlands. The end game is clear for those who look for it and do not sleep. Narcotic use was rampant in Weimar Germany before Hitler rose to power. Mao put an end to the opium dens in China.
Collapse is inevitable when there is no opposition or when that opposition offers greater peril. People hopelessly turn to Republicans as their moral saviors. What they get in return is endless war and economic malfeasance and collapse that guarantee the cyclical return and dominance of the worst elements. When both parties engage in an irreversible race to the bottom, one can only assume the collapse of America, like the Weimar Republic, is drawing near.