Saturday, November 25, 2017

Back on Line

I finally figured out my sign on problems.  There has been changes that confused me, but I'm back with more stories like my recent fight with the 32" copperhead in the back yard.  I didn't know they raised their heads like a cobra.  I won.  While cutting hay a couple of years ago I ran into a Cotton Mouth.  Needless to say, I stayed on my John Deere.

My thanks for the viewers in the U.S., Russia, and Germany, etc. for your patience.  I still do my Internet at the library which has the benefit of technical help.  Things change too rapidly.   My viewer count on my Journal of the Silent Majority web site is past 20,000.  For that I'm grateful. 

My cat, "Lucky" is doing fine too.  Being a Russian Blue with yellow eyes, she's a little shy around people and has learned to avoid the coyotes  that roam the Ozarks at night.  They have bears here and I saw a red wolf going to Branson one early morning.

I'm back doing more research on my father's experience in North Africa and Italy during WWII.  I hope to be well enough to research the National Archives one day.

More to come!