Glad to be back. Eye surgery was tough and disorienting. I'm back at the library with transitional glasses you can get a the local pharmacy or Walmart. The next three weeks are the critical time.
Other than that, I'm dong OK, except mu spelling is a little off. I watch FOX News and avoid the blood and guts stuff that's upsetting. As a retiree I avoid the View. It's so far out that I have to use the clicker as fast as I can reach it. I watched Wheel of Fortune for the first time is years. They're in Hawaii now; I guess on a sort of vacation. Vanna is looking good as usual. Buying Alaska is fun to look at, but who wants to sit in an unheated outhouse; been there done that.
I appreciate those of you who follow my blog although it's politically incorrect. Perhaps I will be allowed to keep on posting my speculations, opinions, and observations for several more years. I haven't listened to Michael Savage since my surgery, but when I feel better, I'll give him another try.
I'm thrilled that these temporary glasses work. All kinds of things go through our mind when our eyes are affected.